Roll Off Dumpster Sizes

It is important to have all the information that you need prior to ordering a dumpster for your next job. You will need to know how much junk you will be discarding so that you can choose one of the many dumpster sizes available to you. Dumpsters are generally available in 10, 20, 30, and 40 yard sizes. Each "yard" is actually a cubic yard, which happens to be the standard for measuring dumpster sizes in North America. The price that you will ultimately pay for renting a dumpster for your job will be determined by the size of dumpster you order and its weight once you have filled it with trash and debris.

10-15 Yard Dumpster

The smallest dumpster available is the 10 yard dumpster. It will hold up to ten yards of cubic trash. Because of its small size, it is perfect for smaller jobs and do-it-yourself projects at home. It would likely be perfect for you if you were renovating one room in your home or if you wanted to clear out your garage. This unit is small enough that it can fit comfortably on most home driveways. This makes it perfect for weekend jobs. This size dumpster can hold between 5 and 6 pickup truck loads of material. The common

10 yard dumpster size is 12x8x4.

20 Yard Dumpster

The next size up is the 20 yard dumpster. Holding twenty cubic yards of waste, this is a great option for medium sized jobs. Use it for first floor remodeling jobs, driveway reconstruction, a roofing project and more. We commonly tell people that a 20 yard dumpster is what we would recommend for cleaning out a two car garage or a deck removal.

This is probably the most common size of dumpster that we rent out regularly. It's perfect for both commercial and home projects, but it's not so big that it is in the way.

The 20 yard dumpster is typically 22x8x4.

30 Yard Dumpster

The 30 yard dumpster is pretty big. You can handle some pretty large projects with a dumpster that holds 30 cubic yards of material. A lot of our clients use these for demolition, roof removal, large landscaping, home renovations, and garage removal projects. While not the largest dumpster available, this is likely more than enough for most home and commercial projects. Please make sure that you have room on your property to accommodate a dumpster of this size. It is quite substantial even though it's not even the biggest size we carry. We have actually seen clients fit ATVs, motorbikes, and small boats in this sized dumpster.

The 30 yard dumpster size is 22x8x6.

40 Yard Dumpster

This is the mammoth of all dumpsters. A 40 cubic yard dumpster is for massive projects that will generate a ton of debris. It's generally reserved for commercial use, but is available for anyone who may need it. The 40 yard dumpster is normally used for large construction projects, remodeling projects, and clean out projects. It's great for a new construction project or a massive demolition. The dumpster itself is huge and will require a lot of open space while it is in use.

Its dimensions come out to 22x8x7.

When you are ready to order your dumpster and have chosen your dumpster size, feel free to speak to one of our friendly customer service agents to help you through your project. Our employees have a lot of hands-on experience and can often provide you with useful insight to your construction project. Feel free to inquire about what dumpster size may be appropriate and any other question that you may have.